It seemed weird to me at first…Waking up in the morning and NOT opening my laptop until I was in a state of calm. Turning off the computer when I was stressing about getting something done on time & going for a hike. Taking a nap in the middle of the day instead of chugging a coffee and championing myself through the to-do list.
You see, I have been a professional people pleaser for the last 8 years since I got sober & started building this company. I have had false beliefs driving my behaviour that told me that I had to sacrifice myself and my well-being to be successful.
What was the result?
monthly (sometimes weekly) BURNOUT
ZERO self-care (crashing out in exhaustion is not self-care, it’s a sign of self-deprivation)
Lower revenue
Unsatisfied clients
High stress (24-7)
Weight gain
Lack of sleep
Inability to enjoy the moments when I wasn’t working
And it did…until I made the DECISION to:
Walk away when I feel anxious
Put my mental, physical & spiritual well-being ahead of all else
Love myself through the uncomfortable feelings I was avoiding through all of this.
I remind myself that:
I have nothing to make up for - I’ve already done my best in cleaning up the past.
Everything happens in perfect time. (Even when my mind says it has to be done NOW)
When I live in flow, I am more creative, intuitive and work less yet make more $.
EFFICIENT AS F%^& if you ask me!